HP’s Questionable Thoughts

Hi there! I’m Addie also known as the feared HP/Hangry Pants and this is my first blog post of many to come. As you hopefully know, me and my fam live on a boat. (To be exact our boat model is called Beneteau Oceanis 461, but don’t worry if you don’t know what that means.) Anyway, my boat “learning waves” have come in a lot of sizes, some, have felt like tsunamis. (Pronounced like su-na-me which is a BIG wave.) Others have felt like tiny ripples that you just have to keep swimming with. Through all of these ‘‘learning waves” you have puzzle together a way to keep surfing the big ones, and the small ones even if it feels “gray.” Keep going. If you need a break from the world, that’s okay, but don’t give up. Keep going. no matter what, keep going till you find your happy place. My mom asked me the other day how I was feeling about our adventure so far on a scale of one to ten. Ten being, “OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!” Whereas one, was… “OH MY GOSH I HATE THIS SO MUCH!!!” I said 5 1/2 because it could have been worse. everything COULD have been worse. So that’s all for today! I promise to write more soon! (And a less cheesy entry.)

Holly Swift

Hi! We are the Swift Family!


2/23/25 - Spinning in place


2/20/25 - The Day After